I-Store - Research Centre on Iot-aware Smart Technologies fOr Reliable, sustainable, safe and security Environments
SAFETY – Smart Aid System for Fire and dangEr situantions based on ioT tecnologY
Funding Type:
POR Puglia FESR-FSE 2014-2020—Asse prioritario 1—Ricerca, sviluppo tecnologico, innovazione—Azione 1.4.b—BANDO INNOLABS—SOSTEGNO ALLA CREAZIONE DI SOLUZIONI INNOVATIVE FINALIZZATE A SPECIFICI PROBLEMI DI RILEVANZA SOCIALE. Public notice and subsequent reissues. AD n. 144/13 of 08/02/2017—Section DD Research and Innovation Capacity Institutional n. 37 of 28 March 2017. Project code 6RPCRL1.
Short Description:
The SAFETY project aims to create a system that can support rescuers (fire brigade, civil defense, etc.) in dangerous event (such as fire), especially when they have to intervene in large buildings with different access points and many users (schools, offices , nursing homes, entertainment venues, etc.). To achieve this goal, innovative services will be created based on the use of technologies that enable the Internet of Things, including sensors, mobile devices, cloud technologies, and embedded devices.
Role: Scientific leader of the research contract of the Department of Engineering for Innovation commissioned by the project industrial partner.
Contact: luigi.patrono@unisalento.it