I-Store - Research Centre on Iot-aware Smart Technologies fOr Reliable, sustainable, safe and security Environments
SMART CARE - Monitoring and analysis system based on artificial intelligence for patients with chronic cardiac decompensation with mini-invasive and wearable evolved medical devices
ELISIR - Elderly Lifestyle Innovative monitoring System based on non-IntRusive iot technologies
IMPROVE - Interactive digital twin solutions for cardiovascular disease Management, PReventiOn and treatment leVeraging the internet of things and Edge intelligence paradigms
Dpi-u AI - A smart hearing personal protective device based on artificial intelligence algorithms integrated with augmented reality and IoT architecture
SENERGY - Smart de-energization of sets of machines through wearable RFID system
SMARTGRID - Smart system for managing the operator's safety in work environments with remote-controlled mobile operating machines
TRANSISTOR - Graphene-based nanocomposite fabrics and wireless sensors wearable to support thermal comfort
SIMMS - Sarcopenia Integrated Measurement and Management System
INSTANT - Technological innovation to enhance the tourist services provided in the cultural sector and improve their accessibility
SAFETY – Smart Aid System for Fire and dangEr situantions based on ioT tecnologY
Hi-Tech STOWAGE - Hi-Tech SoluTions fOr Waste mAnaGement systEms
Design of a system that allows to track car plates during the production, distribution and useful life phases
City4Age – Elderly friendly City services for active and healthy ageing
SMART - An innovative system for the Tracking of small animals based on RFID technology
SMART CODE - An intelligent connectivity system for pervasive devices