I-Store - Research Centre on Iot-aware Smart Technologies fOr Reliable, sustainable, safe and security Environments
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In the last decades, an increasing need to introduce smart environments to apply an efficient Digital and Sustainable Transition in heterogeneous application scenarios, emerged in our society. With the aim of dealing with such a necessity, the mission of the I-STORE center is focused on smart environments and innovative solutions based on emerging IoT technologies.
The experimental Research Units of the Center are: Sensors Unit, IoT & Cloud Unit, AI and Big Data Unit ( titolo con link a sezione descrittiva, Technological Transfer, Ethics and Privacy Unit
The Applied Research Unit of the center are: Predictive Maintenance, Process Optimization, Industry 4.0, Healthcare, Wellness, Ambient Assisted Living, FinTech, AgroFood, Advanced Logistics, Sustainable and Ecological Transition (Mobility and Smart Cities).
I-STORE is an interdepartmental Research Center of the University of Salento focused on the emerging IoT technologies with the aim of defining and validating innovative smart environments able to guarantee reliability, sustainability, safety and security.
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I-STORE Research Centre on Iot-aware Smart Technologies fOr Reliable, sustainable, safe and security Environments
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Prof. Patrono Luigi, PhD
University of Salento - Interdepartmental Research Center
Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni - 73100, Lecce (Italy) "Corpo O" building - second floor, Campus Ecotekne.
Tel. +39 0832297330
- Prof. Luigi PATRONO
- Prof. Luca MAINETTI
- Prof. Giulio AVANZINI
- Prof. Alessandro SANNINO
- Prof. Massimo DE VITTORIO
- Prof.ssa Valeria STEFANELLI
- Prof. Francesco Giacomo VITERBO
- Prof. Angelo CORALLO
- Prof.ssa Valentina NDOU
- Prof. Cosimo DISTANTE
- Prof. Pierluigi TOMA