I-Store - Research Centre on Iot-aware Smart Technologies fOr Reliable, sustainable, safe and security Environments
"Innovation Research" Platform
It aims at collecting, storing and categorizing, by exploiting specific meta-data, the research products defined and developed by the various UniSalento research laboratories (subjects within the academic world) and spin-offs / companies accredited to I-STORE (stakeholder Producers of Research).
In addition, it will offer a catalog of research products that can be consulted by users accredited to the Innovation Research platform (i.e., private companies and local and non-local PA), for instance to search and browse existing products according to some criteria/filters.
Click here to access.
I-Store organizes regular events (such as workshops and formal/informal gatherings) to bring together the involved companies and stimulate networking opportunities. In these events, we also show a preview of the most recent results obtained in the centre’s research units. Together with our research pills and seminars, our events are meant to raise awareness on the importance of digital transition.
In addition, the center organizes hackathons in strict collaboration with companies and research units to promote the exploitation of innovative products and solutions proposed by affiliated stakeholders and internal units, invest in new ideas and disseminate the results of the conducted research.