angle-left Artificial Intelligence and IoT applied to the Sport domain - June 27, 2022

The Sport Business is a growing domain whose destiny is closely linked to the evolution of technology. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are, in fact, two of the disciplines that are promoting the achievement of some important objectives for every sports club mainly related to, for instance, coaching, performance evaluation and predictive models.


In this context, on June 27, 2022, the I-STORE center (Università del Salento) in collaboration with Inmatica S.p.A. (Amazon Web Services (AWS) partner) organized a seminar on the application of AI and IoT to the Sport domain.

It will shed some light on cutting-edge and interdisciplinary research, as well as commercial solutions in the field of Sport Business to stimulate and enhance the trasformation of the sector. During the event, a specific use case that is already successfully changing the sector through the combination of IoT and AI technologies, will be presented.


During the last year, Inmatica, in collaboration with the University of Salento (Inmatica is a "strategic partner" of the mentioned university), launched a research activity related to the development of Artificial Intelligence models for the detection and tracking of football players in digital video sources , with the aim of supporting the automatic calculation of specific interesting parameters. Currently, the research activity is continuing with master's degree theses and doctorates, investigating the opportunity to combine IoT technologies based on innovative wearable and environmental sensors with innovative AI models based on Machine Learning techniques.


Within the seminar, different stakeholders will intervene in the discussion: the university Rector Prof. Fabio Pollice and some other professors of the University of Salento, Dr. Corrado Liguori VicePresident of U.S. LECCE S.p.A., the regional councilor Eng. Alessandro Delli Noci, the company Inmatica S.p.A., Dr. Pier Luigi Verbo - KPMG Advisory S.p.A. Prof. Avv. Saverio Sticchi Damiani and Dr. Marcel Vulpis. The event will be moderated by Dr. Pierandrea Casto.

In addition, we would like to thank Dr. Filippo Penelaggi and Dr. Fabio Colitta - Inmatica S.p.A. who have seized and exploited the skills and opportunities offered by the University of Salento through the I-Store research center.


Every interested actor (person or company) can join the event:



Link to the Unisalento website (ITA):